Tuesday 30 August 2016

A letter to my heartbeat

My darling,

I am writing you this letter just to let you know how awesome you are. You are a wonderful person and i often wonder how you choose to spend your life with me.

I am not that confident person you once reckoned with, i am on a journey of self discovery and i desperately want to find my inner peace. You see, i put up a front constantly and i appear to be an aggressor. On the contrary, i am fighting within my self and i realise i need to find inner peace.

I have asked God to give me more to make our home a happier place and i have had a long thought which made me realise that God is not far from me i just need to address pertinent issues for our lives to go on.

I am meant to be your peace but how can i give what i do not have? Please forgive me for my insecurities for my ingenuity for all i have evolved into these past seven years. I wish i had more to offer health wise and i pray to God to reward you for standing by me.

I truly love you and all that i have done is so we can be happier but how can that be when i am an epitome of depression currently? I want to be the best for you, please help me be the best i can be.

I see myself constantly swaying to the opinions and positions others place me, i am no longer that firm lady with a mind of her own. I have fallen bait to other peoples opinions of me and it is killing me slowly. I do not like this new me, help me back up please.

For every pain i have caused you, i truly apologise. I pray to God that he blesses you with what you truly deserve.

I love you

Friday 23 October 2015

And it took me a whole year again

A whole year has passed again since i last blogged, i can safely say that I'm not much of a writter but sometimes i like to come here, read, reminisce and just update.

This one that Linda Ikeji has bought house from blogging, are you sure i will not just dump this law thing and go into full time blogging? lol. Anyway, lots of things have happened since i last blogged, life hasn't panned out as planned but i know God has a plan.

My baby sister got married, my younger sister and besto passed on, my dad passed on, my current job has gone down hill, my favorite neighbors relocated, my baby sis had a baby girl, I'm still expecting my bundle of joy from God, it's been crazy but i thank God for his grace.

I've had a tough time this year but i will smile again. Will be back soon hopefully

Sunday 28 September 2014

And God remains faithful

It's been a whole year since I last blogged and I really have no good excuse besides the fact that I've had a very eventful year. This year I have laughed, I have cried, I have been promoted, I have prayed, I have rejoiced, I have hoped and I am still hoping on some matters. Most importantly, I have learnt to trust God more and not to cry over any troubles because I realise I am more than a conqueror through Christ who gives me strength.

I'll be back with a more exhaustive and juicy post really soon I promise, till then, enjoy your day.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Like it or not its called stalking!

So its almost 12 midnight and I was going through some tweets posted by some friends of mine and I couldn't help but notice the character bashing of probably some old flame in their lives or something. Sleep just won't come to me so I have decided to blog instead.

So you search out your ex boo's twitter account just to read through his tweets and though you justify your action by saying "well, he isn't my friend on twitter" truth is If you have done it more  than once in a month for no justifiable reason at all then I hate to break it down to you, you're stalking him. What are you looking for? There is  a reason  why he is your EX so please move on.

Think about it, you keep searching him out on every search engine, who is searching for you in turn? Occupy your self with better things, make an impact in your economy, do something, read your Bible, blog or something, become so relevant he wants to search you out too. You subconsciously want to know where he lives, if he is treating his wife/girlfriend better than he treated you blah blah blah,  please move on. But some guys are bitches sha o no doubt, imagine when a girl finds out that special song you shared with her was every other girls special song too lol. Another reason why he is the EX so please move on!

Anyway,  on a lighter note, I read recently on Linda ikeji's blog that a soon to be father in law recently told his soon to be son in law to write an essay on why he wants to marry his daughter. In my opinion, if I where that guy, I would totally do it o and I cant get why some people feel its demeaning or something. If you were to go fora job interview and they asked you to write an essay, you won't think twice about it even if it was a managerial position especially  if its that multinational company you've been dreaming  about so what makes it any different?

So I'm going to bed now whether the sleep comes or not, il be back hopefully soon.

Monday 15 July 2013

2013, Against all odds!

Wow, its been 9 long months since i last blogged but i never forgot blogger, i just never got round to blogging. So a lot has gone down since the last time i blogged, i have participated in three more mobile markets and i cant complain really. School has been long over, i blasted all my exams but im yet to conclude on my project (covering my eyes in shame). I will get there soon hopefully.

For the better part of this year ive been travelling and selling shoes and working and more travelling. My main project for this year has been saving up for a new car and hmmm its been tough. Im also doing up my home and growing my hair (ive been wearing wigs). A friend of mine introduced me to this lady who makes fabulous wigs and since then its been bliss. Wigs never looked better.

Starting from today, im doing a weight loss program. Its going to be protein all the way, i just pray i can keep at it. Im still selling shoes, my favorite shoe in stock now is this;

Really chic but simple. Ive started doing clutch purses too and i must say people love those. The trick is find what people need and meet their demands.

Il be back more often, have a fun filled day ahead.

Saturday 3 November 2012

October and the mobile markets

Been a while i was here and i sure missed blogger. A lot went down in september such as exam exam exams but in October i was just too lazy to blog. Im back now, business is up, had a few mobile market sales and its been great really. i still have a ton of people who are owing me and i have decided that going forward im going to do as little credit sales as i can and collects most payments upfront. My POS machine is up and running but trust Nigeria, it has hardly worked. Network issues alway, its tiring.

Anyway, i had a mobile market sales that came up in October and it went quite well. So many small to medium scale businesses came to show case their businesses ranging from shoes to clothes to baby and childrens wears to cosmetics to gifts etc. So lilmissfab sold shoes and it was a great start to a new sales trend. Im already planning a new one and i will keep you informed.

Its a saturday morning and i have a long day ahead. Have a lovely day ahead

Thursday 13 September 2012

The bridge builder is gone

I lost my cousin this morning and I'm heart broken. He was a young man just about to start life. He had an asthma attack 3 days ago and he never got  out of it. I'm sad. Lesson learnt, let's make the most of life while we still have it bearing in mind that in the end we all return to dust. Do not take too seriously the accomplishments of this life because when we are gone they will mean nothing to us. Remember yea your creator in the days of your youth that it may be well with you.

I'm sorry, I have to go now least I start blabbing. Rest on bro...

Tuesday 11 September 2012


Hello there,

Its been 3months since my last post and I'm motivated to write a little today. Its almost 12 midnight, PHCN has reverted to its evil ways and i have precisely 7 days to my next set of exams. One thing i must advice, adult education isn't easy. If you don't have the stomach for it, do not attempt it till further notice. I'm supposed to be studying maritime but hen i found out about this great new blog that promises to make my hair grow longer and healthier :) and so i decided to read blogs rather than my Maritime Law Notes. I was able to learn however that there are 3 types of Charter Parties today and i guess that will do for now. Did i mention that i made my Chartered Company Secretaries Exams? Yeah, i did so you're now reading the Blog of an almost stale chartered secretary. Problem with all these "book victories" is that people start to think you're intelligent and they expect a lot from you. Hmm, its a big challenge but to God be the glory. I am almost through with Adult Education for now thankfully, Ive got my final LLM exams to write between the 19th and 25th of September and then i have to hurriedly write my thesis and then... the rest is History. Some people ask "are you sure you wouldn't want to do a PHD soon?" and I'm like NEVER and they cant understand it. The pressure is just so much I'm not doing school after this.

I have decided however to delve into fashion and I'm going to learn how to make clothes so i can make my own clothes. I have also decided to use my Blog for more productive things than Gossip and gist so I'm going to start showcasing my shoes and other products here too. Its almost 12 midnight as i earlier mentioned and i have to go to bed now. I will leave you with one nice word of encouragement.

When you're crying you don't have shoes to wear, remember someone out there will do anything to have the feet to even think of wearing shoes on. Thankful!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

After all is said and done

So between December 2011 and June 2012, I've written 8 exams and I have 4 more to go. I'm not an effiko but I realise its high time I make my resume richer for that well deserved chevron job I've been preparing for. In exactly a week I will be a chartered secretary and really, I can't wait.

A lot has been going on on my life, a whole lot and I can't wait for things to work out as planned by God. I realise now that I can't just sit there and expect things to happen so I'm praying and working hard and I know that the good Lord will crown my efforts with success. I've made new friends, rekindled old flames and I'm hoping for The very best. Some times I feel like I'm not working hard enough but what can i do really? Things are getting better, il be back to give you the good news and I promise soon too. Its almost midnight and I must go to bed now.

Monday 23 April 2012

This thing happened to me again

I just posted a long post without saving and it failed to publish. I'm so upset